Monday, September 6, 2010

Smog Free Sunday.....

My very good friend GDub flew in from LA last week for a visit. As it was his fourth time to Hong Kong we decided that it was time to venture out of the smog.
I'd heard about some Rock Pools out on Lantau so I got on the interwebs and did some checking. It wasn't long until I found fairly easy directions to some in Discovery Bay (DB).
After a smooth ferry ride we arrived in DB. Before setting off I did some quick GPS checking (thank you IPhone) and we got on our way.
Taking the main road from the ferry pier we walked up a hill and in about 10mins we had reached the Rock Pools, well almost. The only way to get there was by rambling down a rough path. Accomplishing this was easier than expected (no branches hitting me in the face for example) and we reached the rocky river bed fairly quickly. However, we decided to climb further up the river. Which I must say was quite risky considering my reputation for falling over......especially when you add in slimy rocks.
After a cautious 10mins of scrambling (accident free) we stopped at a little plunge pool that was just the right size to take a dip in. When looking around, it was hard to believe that we were only 20mins (by ferry) from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Peace and quiet.......sheer bliss.

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